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Section Officers


Jonathan Rocheleau
(867) 444-9506


Deputy Director
Kelly Pierce
(867) 446-0749

The Airgun Section

The Air Gun Range at the Shooting Performance Centre operates approximately from October to April. Please check the club calendar for when the range is open for members to practice.


NWTFSS Postal Match
Open to adults & juniors, male & female, firing rifle or pistol.
Fire 30 shot string, score your targets, fill out form and have it witnessed then drop in the box. Scores are tabulated end of each month and posted on notice board. Can be fired at any time.

ISSF Match

Open to adults & juniors, male & female, firing rifle or pistol. 


Course of Fire

Male - Sixty shoots in 1hr 45min with one shot per target.
Female - Forty shoots in 1hr 15min with one shot per target.

Top six scores of the day go on to “Finals” (10 shots, one shot per target in a 75 Secs. Each target is scored and announced prior to next shot being fired).
Competition is fired second Sat. of each month. Registration sheet and Match Conditions are posted in the SPC on right of white board. 24 spots available (four relays of six).

825 RCACS (Air Cadets):
Conduct marksmanship training on Mondays 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

2837 RCACC (Army Cadets):
Conduct marksmanship training on Tuesday 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

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